

Greenwald, T. J., T. S. L'Ecuyer, and S. A. Christopher, 2007: Evaluating specific error characteristics of microwave-derived cloud liquid water products. Geophys. Res. Letters, 34, doi: 10.1029/2007GL031180 [Download]
Lebsock, M., T. S. L'Ecuyer, and G. L. Stephens, 2007: Information Content of Spaceborne Multi-Angular Polarization Measurements for Aerosol Retrievals. J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi: 10.1029/2007JD008535 [Download]
L'Ecuyer, T. S. and G. L. Stephens, 2007: The Tropical Atmospheric Energy Budget from the TRMM Perspective. Part II: Evaluating GCM Representations of the Sensitivity of Regional Energy and Water Cycles to the 1998-99 ENSO Cycle. J. Climate, 20, 4548-4571 [Download]
Cooper, S. J., T. S. L'Ecuyer, P. Gabriel, A. J. Baran, and G. L. Stephens, 2007: Performance assessment of a five-channel estimation-based ice cloud retrieval scheme for use over the global oceans. J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007122 [Download]


Cooper, S. J., T. S. L'Ecuyer, P. Gabriel, G. L. Stephens, A. J. Baran, and P. Yang, 2006: Objective Assessment of the Information Content of Visible and Infrared Radiance Measurements for Cloud Microphysical Property Retrievals over the Global Oceans. Part II: Ice Clouds. J. Appl. Meteor., 45, 42-62 [Download]
L'Ecuyer, T. S., H. Masunaga, and C. D. Kummerow, 2006: Variability in the Characteristics of Tropical Rainfall Systems. Part II: Radiative Properties. J. Climate, 19, 1388-1406 [Download]
L'Ecuyer, T. S., P. Gabriel, K. Leesman, S. J. Cooper, and G. L. Stephens, 2006: Objective Assessment of the Information Content of Visible and Infrared Radiance Measurements for Cloud Microphysical Property Retrievals over the Global Oceans. Part I: Liquid Clouds. J. Appl. Meteor., 45, 20-41 [Download]
Masunaga, H., T. S. L'Ecuyer, and C. Kummerow, 2006: The Madden-Julian Oscillation in early observations from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 2777-2794 [Download]
W. Berg, T. L'Ecuyer, and C. Kummerow, 2006: Rainfall Climate Regimes: The Relationship of TRMM Rainfall Biases to the Environment. J. Appl. Meteor., 45, 434-454 [Download]