Arctic Climate
Sledd, A. and T. S. L'Ecuyer, 2021: Uncertainty in Forced and Natural Arctic Solar Absorption Variations in CMIP6 Models. J. Climate, 34, 931-948 doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0244.1 [Download]
Sledd, A. and T. S. L'Ecuyer, 2021: A Cloudier Picture of Ice-Albedo Feedback in CMIP6 Models. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.769844 [Download]
Sledd, A. and T. S. L'Ecuyer, 2021: Emerging Trends in Arctic Solar Absorption. Geophys. Res. Letters, 48, doi: 10.1029/2021GL095813 [Download]
Palerme, C., C. Genthon, C. Claud, J. E. Kay, N. B. Wood, and T. L'Ecuyer, 2017: Evaluation of current and projected Antarctic precipitation in CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, 48, 225-239 [Download]
McIlhattan, E. A., T. S. L’Ecuyer, and N. B. Miller, 2017: Observational Evidence Linking Arctic Supercooled Liquid Cloud Biases in CESM to Snowfall Processes. Journal of Climate, 30, 4477-4495 doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0666.1 [Download]
Lenaerts, J. T. M., K. van Tricht, S. Lhermitte, and T. S. L'Ecuyer, 2017: Polar clouds and radiation in satellite observations, reanalyses, and climate models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2016GL072242 [Download]
Johansson, E., A. Devasthale, M. Tjernstrom, A. M. L. Ekman, and T. L'Ecuyer, 2017: Response of the lower troposphere to moisture intrusions into the Arctic. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 2527-2536, doi:10.1002/2017GL072687 [Download]
Van Tricht, K., S. Lhermitte, J. T. M Lenaerts, I. V. Gorodetskaya, T. L'Ecuyer, B. Noel, M. R. van den Broeke, D. D. Turner, and N. P. M. van Lipzig, 2016: Clouds enhance Greenland ice sheet meltwater runoff. Nature Communications, 7, [Download]
Christensen, M. W., A. Behrangi, T. L'Ecuyer, N. B. Wood, M. D. Lebsock, and G. L. Stephens, 2016: Arctic Observation and Reanalysis Integrated System: A New Data Product for Validation and Climate Study. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, 907-915 [Download]
Kay, J. E., T. L'Ecuyer, H. Chepfer, N. Loeb, A. Morrison, and G. Cesana, 2016: Recent Advances in Arctic Cloud and Climate Research. Curr Clim Change Rep, 2, 159-169 [Download]
Palerme, C., J. E. Kay, C. Genthon, T. L'Ecuyer, N. B. Wood, and C. Claud, 2014: How much snow falls on the Antarctic ice sheet?. The Cryosphere, 8, 1577-1587 [Download]
Kay, J. and T. S. L'Ecuyer, 2013: Observational constraints on Arctic Ocean clouds and radiative fluxes during the early 21st century. J. Geophys. Res., 118, doi:10.1002/jgrd50489 [Download]
Kay, J., T. S. L'Ecuyer, G. L. Stephens, A. Gettelman, and C. O'Dell, 2008: The contribution of cloud and radiation anomalies to the 2007 Arctic sea ice extent minimum. Geophys. Res. Letters, 35, doi: 10.1029/2008GL033451 [Download]
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