We develop a mechanistic understanding of the climate system and its capacity for variability and change. Topics considered include: global and local energy balances, atmosphere and ocean general circulations, atmosphere - ocean - land coupling, carbon cycling, climate feedbacks and variability, modeling, and anthropogenic climate change. A climate modeling project with the EdGCM is a key component of the course.
This course provides an overview of basic principles of radar meteorology and satellite remote sensing. Through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on computer exercises, students will learn to apply basic radiative transfer theory to identify the "fingerprints" of weather-related phenomena in measurements from satellite and ground-based instruments. Principles of radar operation, design and implementation of satellite missions, interpretation of imagery across a range of electromagnetic frequencies from the ultraviolet to microwave, and basic retrieval of atmospheric variables from active and passive systems are discussed.
This course covers advanced topics in radiative transfer including numerical methods to solve the radiative transfer equation, theory of scattering by spherical and non-spherical particles, and gas absorption. Starting in 2013, this course will also provide an introduction to inverse methods and their application to remotely determine properties of the Earth's atmosphere and surface.
This course focuses on recent progress and current challenges in quantifying radiative and energetic processes in the climate system. Through a combination of overview lectures, reviews of seminal papers, and class projects, students will gain familiarity with foundational research into the key factors governing the principal flows of energy in the Earth-atmosphere system. Topics include: energy balance and heat transport, radiative forcing, radiative-convective equilibrium, climate thermodynamics, climate sensitivity, and feedbacks. Prior completion of ATM OCN 640 “Radiation in the Atmosphere and Ocean” is strongly recommended.
This seminar is a one-time requirement for the AOS Ph.D. degree devoted to advanced study of chosen topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. The goal is to trace the coherence and continuity of thought on these topics. The interplay of observations, theories, and the resolution of controversies will be analyzed in their influence on the evolution of each topic. Course activity consists primarily of weekly student background reading, individual presentations, and extensive group discussions.